LAST UPDATED: 10th January 2025
We are delighted to announce that 130+ vehicle recyclers have been certified to the VRA Standard for Reclaimed Parts from End-of-Life Vehicles since the scheme’s launch in mid-2020.
Certification provides independent assessment of a recycler’s policies and procedures, aimed at ensuring that every reclaimed vehicle part has been accurately identified, recorded, tested and graded. The operation of a robust quality management system, coupled with completion of a mandatory parts grading training course, forms the backbone of the scheme.
Reaching 130 certifications represents a major milestone in the development of the emerging circular economy. The UK and Ireland’s vehicle recyclers are in the vanguard of the drive to mainstream parts re-use, supplying professional repair bodyshops, garages and consumer markets. This achievement demonstrates their commitment to quality, consistency and traceability.
Further information about the scheme can be found in the Information section.
Who We Are
We are VRA Certification Ltd, an independent not-for-profit company limited by guarantee. Our sole purpose is to manage and develop the UK’s Vehicle Recycler Certification Scheme.
What We Do
We certify UK-based vehicle recyclers to ensure they conform with the ‘UK Standard for Reclaimed Parts from End-Of-Life Vehicles’. This provides their customers with the confidence that the vehicle recycler operates legally and only markets quality assured reclaimed vehicle parts.
How We Do It
We work with two certification bodies, who scrutinise a vehicle recycler’s policies and procedures, and audit each recycling site annually. This provides an independent, objective assessment of conformance.